Video 49
Bhagavatam - 3.7.1 - ( Book 3, Chapter 7 verse 1)
foreign [Music] [Music] the destroyer of the demons kangsha and chanura did lovely darling of mother devuki and the teacher of teachers of the world whom peace peace peace so we'll be reading today on the chapter 7. and it starts here here will be listening that what is bidura is putting the question and what the Siege is talking with his name is Metro is responding to the question questions very interestingly the first verse says that that is how the Divine Maya is playing in the universe how that unchangeable absolute Brahman can become this universe and play in this world how infinite can be finite these Eternal questions so he put these questions here so sukhdev said what he said is asking this responding to the king parikshit and that story comes he remembering the story of bidura and bidura talking to and then bidura is also referring another studio mitrio so story within story within story that is the common uniqueness of this bhagavat so the very first one says chapter 7 . verse 1 as if to please maitreya who concluded with the above remark what is the above remark the above remark is that the mysterious power of Maya of the Lord stupefies the mind of even the greatest Jewish the extent of the power of His yoga Maya cannot be determined by even by himself God himself how then could others do so that was the connection in the last chapter 6. that the mysterious power of Maya of the Lord Lord's power stupifies the mind or mind of an ordinary person even the greatest juries greatest yogis are also bewildered by the seeing this Maya so what the question of any Ordinary People the extent of power of His how much it can be and what it can create what it can destroy what it can uh appear it is beyond the comprehension of ordinary human being so even yogis cannot measure that that hurt the question of ordinary people like ordinary human being therefore salutation to the Lord from whom the words along with the Mind fall back that God who is sachidananda who is beyond mono and buddhi among manasuam where the speech cannot reach and but mind cannot reach from that truth see that that is the truth of their Brahman salutation to that Brahman from whom words along with the Mind fall back unable to comprehend when even the gods did it is presiding over the categories cannot understand we are Ordinary People the gods was controlling our all sense organs hand God of hand God of eyes God of ear so everything there are different gods and goddesses if they cannot comprehend what we Ordinary People can understand about it so in that response it is coming over here the first bus start the tsukadev saying as if to please their says maitrea who concluded with the above remark above remark means god the absolute by his inscrutable Maya has created this universe and being created your mind your speech cannot touch that how much you want to express you cannot express that how much your mind can think of infinity your mind cannot reach there so that writer said the the bidura The Offspring of basso said the following verses what he said who great says who is the sage is the name of the sage foreign [Music] can how bhagavata how can the attributes and actions be compatible with the Supreme Being who is of the nature of pure Consciousness changeless and divide of the three gunas even if it will be in a sportive sense you are saying the God is Leela by by supportive nature he has created this universe but my question is that how who is beyond all attributes gunas and actions in Brahman there is no action there is no attribute you cannot say how glorious is he that can be compatible with the Supreme Being who is of the nature of pure Consciousness who is the nature of changeless and devoid of the three gunas even it be in a sportive sense that is the first question then third verse he puts this question a child can have a natural desire to sport or it can be induced by others to play a child can have natural disaster sport a child a baby by his nature he wants to play or someone can give some toy to just enhance his desire to play but God why he will play he has no need if there is no need why he will act why he will try to be in the world of drama Soul a child can have a natural desire to support that is understandable or it can be induced by others to play that is also okay in the case of the Lord being over ever self-satisfied How can there be any desire in him even to play why why he will play it is all these people do this go for football soccer or say cricket or anywhere so because they find joy I want to play I will be famous player this is that something is there they are wanting something to get name power huh people will applaud me I'll be a big athlete but what for God will do that because he's fulfilled by himself he has no need of anything so that's why in case of the Lord who is Ever such self-satisfied he is satisfied with him then how can there be any desire in him even to play it is play there is something to get some Joy some get some Fame name people's applaud meaningful but God does not need anything then why he is playing this way you say it is Leela why he will be playing like that I don't understand please let me know and pray how can anyone else induce him he has no desire of Islam and there is no third party who can influence God to pay you have to play a child can be given a toy hey play now this child will follow that but who is there to induce God that you play this Lila why why who is there there is no one neither he is his own desire neither another person can influence him when there is none else beside him there because there is no one but God so who can make him play or who can be inspired by his own desire to do something fourth verse let it that the Lord creates the World by his power of Maya constitutions okay let us let us assume that the Lord has created the world by his father Maya and Maya means the three gunas and that by it alone he sustains and dissolves it afterwards and understand that it is doing this with the trigonals and then with that power his sustaining the universe dissolving the universe all this the spirit which is of the nature of on erasable Consciousness but God is what Brahman is what the spirit Capital spirit which is of the nature of unerasable consciousness that means his consciousness which cannot be erased erased means if you write something in the pencil and then you erase it Consciousness is here you can remove the consciousness there is nothing which can erase the consciousness of The World God remembering residing at the back of this whole creation as erasable unerasable that means you cannot wipe out consciousnesses anyway an irritable space time and internal conditions how can that truth he fall into ignorance tell me where consciousness there is no other Force to destroy the consciousness Brahman so if there is no such person to erase that consciousness and erase this space-time and internal conditions then how he the Lord can fall into an ignorance Maya why you will be falling in ignorance why he will be planning to play what is the desire where it is coming from why he will be expecting like that it is their bhagava 6 verse it is the bhagavan alone whoever it's in all bodies as the Jiva the Living spirit so in all beings who is here it's called The God the Lord the bhagavan how can he the big God be subject to loss of bliss and to suffering due to work and they see we are all for we are all gods but then we are always subject to the loss of bliss we have lost our joy lust our peace inside and to suffering due to work we work and we suffer how can it be that because God is All Joy God is all peace God is all consciousness therefore seven words O Lord need one is saying that to Mitra the sage maitrea person my mind is agitated by this problem of again I am in ignorance therefore my mind is getting Disturbed to think that God is All Pure God has no need God has nothing to do with the playing he is playing why he's playing and what is the need of his play who is forcing him to play and he has no desire to play so why this creation is coming so I this is puzzling me you are the sage of realization you please tell me what to do who learned one my mind is agitated by the problem of again to eradicate this great doubt of mine so sugar said now the sukadev began saying being thus questioned by bidural now go back to parikshit and the king and the sukha Deva being thus questioned by bidura The Inquirer after truth the sage maitrea who was totally devoid of pride said so they meet within responded put this response reply so what he said remembering God in his mind it is not she has no ego that's why she prayed to mind pray and remembering God then and wearing a smile on his face Maestro said my children responded to the question of bidura said that this infinite God who is full of consciousness who has no need who has nothing to gain nothing to lose why he will be playing in this world of Maya why he it is a thakur said it is Leela so why Lila Lila is done by people who gives joy in playing that Lila and they may remember all the theatrical performance the actors actresses go they are like Mad people running for these things why they find joy they need some money they need some name pain I understand that may be the reason but why God who has no desire who has no need why he will be engaged in this play upon and joy it is not fun life look at the live individual person it is God himself he's suffering in so many we are all Divine but how much we are suffering look at our life miserable life every day why this fun so that is the question then my trust response is coming ninth verse Maya or the mysterious power of the Lord is indeed that which brings about bondage and misery to be free and lordly spirit against all principle of rational understanding all principles of national land we know reasonably we think it is not possible but this power of Maya foreign which is illogical sometimes logic that is opposite of logic because he has given the two logic one God has any need or God can be impressed no God has no need one point it is the logic God if he is God and he needs something he's no God and if God does not need but someone can I don't need anything but someone can force me get it in the gunpoint or in another odd situation people force them to do what they don't want is God subject to that type of to manipulation no so being these two logical ideas contradicted in the Leela and that's why that's a desire then no if you say desire then he is not God then he's lacking something he is lacking let's say I have devotees will love me that's a desire whatever understand those are in a different level but logically you express establish God why he will create don't go to support that please logically talk if you have no desire and no one can force you to do something while you will be playing in this world creating yourself many and then going through the suffering and going for Liberation and love while you are creating the trouble and creating our love what is that why are you doing that that is no reason from the vedantic perspective this is no reason that's why there's but using the word trying to understand here that is the question you have to respond to the question the question of saying then Maya or the Mystic mysterious power of the Lord is indeed that which brings about bondage and misery to the free and lordly spirit against all principles of rational understanding so bondage idea that's also within Maya see how beautiful Freedom idea is also in the under Maya in the scale of Maya you think you are bound you are suffering so you pray to God you cry to God you bid on to canalises you meditate you do selfless work what do you get it to get out of Mondays to get Freedom so Maya in Maya is two things it is bondage is also there and and misery and to free yourself from that bondage and freedom both idea is within Maya so just as a dream person giving an example and just as a dream person can have irrational experience of his own head being cut off the Atman can experience a change of his nature without that change being factual it's a very good example in the dream you are lying down in your bed and you found that there's a bad guy came and they chopped your head out you can see your head is chopped out in the dream but in reality nothing happened that is the player Maya nothing happened but it looks like that here is the question to understand the play of God you are seeing the play when nothing has happened there's all the trickery of Maya so this is the irrational irrational because you see in the dream that someone is attacking you and they kill you but you are still breathing you come out to reality nothing has happened but irrationally that still you see that that's the point just as the movement of the other qualities of water all seen only in the reflection of the Moon in water just as the movement and other qualities of water are seen only reflection of the moon when the moon is reflected in the lake you can see the moon is moving with the moving of the movement of the Ripple so the movement is found but that is really it is not happening in the Moon it is reflection in the water so just as the movement and other qualities of water are seen only in the reflection of the Moon in water and not in the moon itself so also it is only the Hartmann they reflect itself that is the cell has identified with the body that is subject to defects of the body so he's saying this Jiva individual soul he is getting into the trouble because it is absolutely that Atman movement of the other qualities of water are seen do the Moon is reflected in the water that is moving but moon is not moving similarly the Atman that is deflected cell that is a self identified with the body that is subject to defects so this body which is a reflection of the real self there you find it is body dying being born getting peace and joy or unhappiness or suffering all these are found there but not in reality effect is gradually removed by the practice of devotion so if this defect is with us all because it is all God's play going on we are thinking we are suffering we are in pain that because as in the dream we are seeing that we are suffering we are in pain we are happy we are unhappy but in reality you are just Untouched by anything but you see and experience them similarly this Atman the reflected self is that is the self as identified with the body that is subject to the defects of the body so this is uh the defects of the body this word is defect is seemed to be real but it is real real body real Atman is untouched this defective defect is gradually removed now how the defects can be removed you say this defect can be removed gradually how by the practice of devotion you do practice of devotion and by the dedication of all of one's action to God and by the grace of vasudeva the soul of All Souls so how to get out of this tripath he has mentioned the defect is gradually it will not go away because this misconception has grown for a long time so by defect gradually removed by practice of devotion if everyone praise to God Christ before God and surrender us to God by dedication of all one action all the Karma is given up City so the defect is gradually removed by the practice of devotion by the dedication of all one's action to God nishkama Karma you do all Karma and then offer that all Karma at the feet of the Lord so by meditation by Prayer by Karma see bhagavat also talks about the harmony of all the spiritual practices so the defect that defect which makes an idea that this is born and this is going to suffering and Pleasure and Pain can be removed by this process that the defect is gradually in your 0.1 by practice of devotion that is one by dedication of all one action to God nishkama Karma and by the grace of the Lord the soul of All Souls you may try how much but your effort is not sufficient God's grace is necessary God's grace will release the person from all bondage when the powers of the mind and body get concentrated and absorbed in the Supreme Being srihori who is the Seer in all bodies then all miseries felt either too by one will cease as if in deep sleep now they are giving we are suffering we are in difficulties but when the powers of the mind and body gets concentrated and absorbed in Supreme Being body is body when the mind is withdrawn from the body and the mind is put in the concentrated focus in God and God alone as the jokies are doing as many meditators are trying to do we're drawing the Mind from all external and putting the mind in God only if they can do who is the Seer and who is that God on which you put your mind he is the CR indweller dusta in everyone's heart God is the witness in the heart of all we say that whatever you do you can hide from other people but you cannot hide from God is seated there and observing everything you cannot hide anything from it so that is the easiest Consciousness residing in the heart if one is First United person can withdraw all his mental disturbances and focus it and put it into that Lord who is inside God then what will happen then then all miseries which are appearing every day in life all miseries felt hitherto by one will cease and how it will cease well as you experience every day when you go to Deep Sleep what happens all your miseries all your sufferings all your anxieties where do they go they disappear from you as it happens every day by meditation you can do that that's why you become a jogi they say you can master people experience this every day when they go to deep sleep that's why people have great anxiety they take some time some pill to have a good sleep they take some so that they can sleep when you go to sleep then your mind is upset and mind because mind goes to sleep the world goes to sleep there is no world there is no anxiety there's no fear There Is No Death there is no suffering that's why everyone finds so much joy in the deep sleep at a dog an animal a human a sub-human and everyone finds good Joy because that is the time when mind not being there the worldly uh all disturbances are gone from the mind even here the king of the excellences of theory is capable of astraging the miseries of life if we listen to the whole holy stories of the life of the Lord say Krishna Krishna Ram Katha when you Sant Katha when you listen to those things what will happen it will spontaneously purify the mind mind will go into that state where misery will not start to listen to in India here we are only four people but there you go ten thousand people sitting in a harikata uh huge Gathering or even when you were talking about they are talking about the Lord's glories people forget their home forget their business forget their anxieties worries everything is gone mind is lifted into the storytelling life stories of life's life's experiences so that is the way to withdraw the Mind from external and you can really raise by hurikata and the listening to the glories of the Lord one can read reach that point that's why even the hearing of the Excellence of theory is capable of estranging the miseries of life that's why it is very important to listen to say where there is God and this this description don't lose that chance because mind will be getting the benefit of purification as also calmness Serenity will come it makes us forget about the world ah how to forget the world suffering and misery if you engage the mind in something else a simple example when the child supports suddenly he has fallen down and he is in pain and when he is accurately pain in pain the child will cry must seriously cry but if you bring a toy or something and hey hey look at this he how it is doing that and the childhood huh and forgets the pain so this is possible similarly when one wants to get out of the suffering and miseries of Life they should go to horikata that's why now it is happily available on YouTube you go so many wonderful talks lectures what you want to hear bhakti you can have bhakti you can have Ghana you can have this yoga Kundalini Yoga and then whatever you want to hear you can find in the online and you listen according to a test then you forget the other things of life so problem of our life can be solved by lifting the Mind from this ordinary Consciousness into something higher and if you can do it when they put the mind in some lofty thought with the Leela read the gospel of ramakrishna lead even the Bible bhagavata bhagavad-gita the upanishads this life of the Saints read the prachins the stories of the old swamis or you read any there are there was one Bengali writer he wrote about lives of the sadhus of the Himalayas and he was yeah so read those books you see at least you are not illumin but your mind is not in this plane it can takes you to a beautiful realm of purity so that's why he said even the hearing of the excellences of srihori is capable of assraging the miseries of life then what to speak of the state of a man who has attained to the state of loving Devotion to and delighted in him suppose if one has grown love for God and in a state of Devotion to God and Delight in him Delight in him means when they hear they enjoy it unless the mind is pure this type of words will not please anyone foreign that lady who has a flower garden he gave she The Host gave shelter to the lady carrying the fish basket the fish basket lady could not sleep and enjoy the flower environment yeah because he's not familiar that's why how many people say how many things are going on in the world how many people listen to that and what is the population of the world see we are giving class look at that who feels interest in it what is the need yeah what is going on are we all know where this Brahman at mandis that pure impurities something yeah no that's okay that's it we're much better than for suffering in the world and World decision with mathematical solution playing some Chase but purity of the heart will come by listening to the holy lives and holy talks holy scriptures and keeping their mind in some uplifted radio so now biduru said oh great one like a sword your words have cut asunder the tree of my doubt verse number 15. in sanction foreign by your words like a sword my doubts are now cut Ascender my mind is now well established in the understanding of Buddha nature of ishwara and Jiva ishara is playing and Jiva is the reflected Moon and reflected Moon there is suffering there is if the water gets violent then the this Moon which is reflected it splits into pieces when nothing happened to the Moon which is shining there all the time the Atman remains unchanged but here we are yet Shattered by someone telling me something ugly someone is blaming me for something I am done lost I am done and we are centered here because we are taking this as the reality but they are not that reality it is it has been well stated by you that the cause of the world lies in Maya the mysterious power of the Lord what is Maya vedant Maya is one but Maya in bhakti it is his play the Lord is playing in this diverse ways so in this Maya means mysterious play of God mysterious power that is the power of Lord apart from the Lord it has no independent existence Maya cannot exist without God Brahman and Shakti Shakti cannot function without Brahman but Brahman can remain sometimes without Shakti manifested potentially Shakti should be there is not manifested sometime but sometimes it may manifest when it manifests it is the world when it does not that is called Brahman so he says that here maitrevo is saying apart from the Lord it has no independent existence and apart from God him it cannot be understood at all so you do if you unless you realize God you cannot understand Maya being in Maya he cannot understand my ass play suppose you are dreaming think of yourself night time you are dreaming and now he saw a tiger is changing you and you are running running and tiger is almost catching you now and you dream breaks this tiger if you are analyze whole life in the dream why did tiger attacking me I didn't go to any place I was in Hollywood and where the tiger came from you cannot find any solution there you have to be wake up when you wake up then you say oh it was a dream I was seeing the Tiger but it is not dream tiger not the react like the real tiger so similarly here also this will be understood when you wake up from this dream play this is a dream and it is so real to us because as we feel around dream time surreal everything is real hunger is hunger thirsty Stars fear is fear Joy is Joy suffering is suffering but really anything happening no you are lying down your body is lying down very peacefully it is snoring it may have your super missing working on your nose and you are very happily sleeping but all these things are happening why how it will go he may cry in the dream who is there to rescue you no one will ask you no one is Big why did it happen I didn't do anything wrong in my life and in their dream body I didn't do anything harmful and they are attacking me yes you cannot find any solution only wake up from the dream then you say oh we trust dream it is my mind created all this fun but my joy but the joy has become a cause of suffering what the joy what was Joy one time that has become a cause of suffering really this drama this Maya the play of God's power manifested will we don't find anymore right in real reason you know look at the word bad people are getting all the benefits of the worldly enjoyment no good people even having little something they have been stolen they are being cheated they are being troubled no what is the meaning why God has created this nonsense world you cannot find any meaning this is also a big dream break this dream by thinking of God [Music] that's why that is the only source where we can be free you are given absolutely and okay it has been well stated by you that the cause of the world lies in Maya the mysterious power of the Lord apart from the Lord it has no independent existence and apart from God lord it cannot be understood at all you want to understand this power then you go ramakrishna said you go and make friendship with the magician magicians magic is going on and thousands of people list watching that my magic are being befuled but you want to do that you are to you have to think that this make friendship with the magician God is the magician it's God's magic play going on so you make friendship with God love God pray to God Unite with God then you will find a magician will show you the trick how this creation is being done so no God simple thing no God love God then this Maya will have no effect and you will find Freedom from this those who are given absolutely to physical life say worldly people don't understand anything charbaq philosophy do only say this body is the only thing this life is the only thing eat drink be merry don't think about anything right or wrong kill butcher steal whatever you like enjoy life because one lifetime but what is there after Life After Life it is all false thing told by some fools you call the sages no so don't believe in them enjoy enjoy Angels that's the people those who are given absolutely to physical life and they do not think of anything higher and those who have gone beyond the buddhi and obtained intuitive understanding both of these people are happy because they first begin because the first because they are incapable of any doubt and the second because they have no attachments so who is the happiest person in the world one person who does not think of anything just enjoy the life yeah and try to find what you can even lie cheat whatever so they have another problem they think that is their life and they will be happy that is the letter wrong you will understand but still do you find that how they can stop their evil Tendencies they do it more and the person whose mind is gone beyond all this level of Duality he is in perfect peace because he does not care for these changeable things both are happy the sufferers are those who are the suffering people when an idiot cannot understand a stone cannot understand suffering a piece of wood cannot understand suffering and the brombogani cannot understand suffering but trouble is for us who are in between not attain that illumination not we are like that idiot like Stone and rocks and enjoy the life only this is the only life and be into it there is nothing after death the sufferers are those who stand in between the extremes so just okay those are simple language all those who are murah worst of them in the world those who are who have crossed beyond your intellect all analysis analysis and Analysis you do and you cannot reach that is so big your mind cannot catch it so those are that people who stand in between of these two extremes they are the worst sufferers though objects contrary to the Atman are experienced we shall discern their holowness to discrimination and with the help of your worship and thus renounce them completely so though the objects are contrary to Atman the on worldly objects we see they are not Divine to our eyes or we cannot experience that Divinity we shall discern their holonism through discrimination we can see analyze the world which is permanent which is not permanent analyzing this and which is the impermanent that's Path of Knowledge and with the help of your worship alone discrimination will not do we need to grow in love for God that is called the worship of God and thus renounce them completely so love God try to determine what is good and bad what is permanent what is impermanent and after that love God so much other things drop away by the worship of the devotee I shall attain to the state of intense delight and attachment to the feet of him the Lord of all and this changeless being so what special Do I by the worship of of devotees I will try to serve the devotees who are lovers of God by the worship of devotees I shall attain to the state up in this delight and attachment if we really engage in serving the devotees in a proper attitude the tribes having God's children if that Spirit comes your mind becomes pure and God's grace comes versus someone comes and you think it is a torture oh I'm going to give a glass of water again oh my God again I am to cook a meal again ah but if you take the same thing with love and think that I am serving God's children that's the point I shall worship of the devotees worship of the devotees means not go on put flour at the feet of the devotees devotees are who lovers of God if you serve the lovers of God those who love God you serve them then what we live in I shall attain to that state a mental state intense Delight I will attend that intense delight in God and attachment to the Lord by that love it will lead me to God himself because I am serving not the man not the women but God in that women thinking in this way and serving them my mind will be purified and I will reach God then the Lord of all the the Lord who is the Lord of all the changeless being by means of such attachment to the Lord all Sorrows are overcome you want to overcome all Sorrows of life you take this process serve the children of God thinking that you are serving God very important Point Let's see as ramakrishna Mission take this Ideology Now don't Jiva you are seeing individual but they are not Jiva it is Lord Shiva in the form of Jiva so if you worship Shiva if you worship Jiva then you will be suffering you do something some service and that person will be there what did you do this is not good that's bad you may get scolding also but if you think I don't care for that I did for the Lord what he says us he says it is his mind is expressing that I am not serving that man with the mind which is Disturbed mind but I am serving who is behind his mind that means the god I am serving so if that attitude comes then it creates love for God more [Music] so that heart means our expectation and our not correct idea people will say you will have to understand they will say the same thing but I am not cybering that man who will say and I am serving God who is behind him as Consciousness at sachidananda so this idea there there it matters little what the man says you serve undesirable person they are undesirable person who is not my focus I am serving who is standing behind the undesirable person behind the required Muslim day quiet mothers are that person who is behind standing behind the answer so that is the that is the state of service that means don't look at the person at all person will do that because what they will do they are all selfish and you cannot satisfy anyone but if you look at that who is standing behind them that is the Lord is standing behind so I am serving that Lord so this is the attitude our all the philosophy and to see that Divine behind everything the service of holy men devoted to Maha Vishnu that's why as you said we should serve first the holy people who are worshiping God lovers of God first serve them they are good people they will bless you but don't go to the first to the decorate don't go to the person who is evil character that will come maturity will come much later Swami Vivekananda said when as a Young Man I could not walk on the same sidewalker footpath where there is a theatrical howl Hall what the question of see the pure level of purity and he said now I can sleep in the same house with the with the pollen ladies without least reaction in my mind because she has raised into such a concept there is nothing but God and in Rabbi began in his life those are proven in Cairo when he was moving he faced the dead ladies were ugly dressed and calling her and she went and he was in the tears and he said oh they are they they do not know their Divine mother themselves and for little money or little something where they have pulled them down and he felt this suffering and they cried and the ladies these prostitutes start started touching the Gown of Vivekananda and saying Lord Christ has come between before us so that's it that state but we need not have to dare to go there you start here where there are good people who are honest people who are lovers of God some of them and with this idea I am serving not these people but they're the bhakta there is a word those who are the bhakta devotee of the maktas that is I am offering that Lord so that should be the starting point more of us that shows that everybody can learn from everybody even a person like Vivekananda got that lesson from a single girl yeah not that they are always tuned but sometimes they forget they even there forgetful service of holy men devoted to Maha Vishnu is indeed difficult to get from those divide of great austerities to the Creditor the service of holy men who are devoted to Maha Vishnu is indeed difficult to get such such devotees to find such holy people is it is only comes in life who are have good karmas they have done much austerity Tapas in the last life so it says it is only the company of such holy men that you hear constantly about the Lord and his Excellence so only by listening to God and His glories continuously one person can be made free from all these ignorance and bondage so we end here and we will read the verse number 21 next time chapter 7 Booth 3 3.7.21 we did we have done up to twenty one to twenty [Music] um okay okay there is a question how do we know the love and joy we feel while worshiping and learning about God is Not merely mere worldly subtle body type emotions are the positive emotions we feel while worshiping Maya how do we know the love and joy we feel while worshiping and learning about God is Not Mere worldly subtle body type of emotion is all emotions are subtle body emotions in the mind emotion does not happen in the body or in the nose or in the throat or the ear no all emotions are in the mental level yes we know when genuine emotion comes then your mind will be soothed your tears will be rolling down this way tears coming this way versus this way has a meaning it is called the this this when we cry for worldly things your tears comes to the no side and when it tears come to this side you are growing spirituality your love for God is developing so when you learn ing about God is Not merely worldly yeah it is it will start with worldly type of thing but you will find that when you actually you love God and the joy it it stays for a longer time one sign it stays for a longer time two it brings instant peace third point it you remember this experience after me several days you will feel still you will feel it Twist of joy but anything sends it good food good place you went and have some photos it may bring frustration yesterday was a Sumptuous Mill and today's meal is blend it's not eatable at all yesterday's food was good but today thinking of that food today's food I am going to suffer it's not good why did he create this type of food no and this experience brings frustration where is the other experience you have a good meditation good prayer he have worshiped god with proper attitude you feel a joy in your heart and that Joy you remember it uplifts you and it pushes down so these are the I think that these are the two three ways of understanding that what the joy love and joy feel while worshiping and the mind becomes pure then you find finer and finer joy and greater and greater peace and a lingering effect of that continues even after 10 days see many people say oh I had a life transforming experience when it happened in the whole lifetime maybe one day at a particular few seconds that impact is such people remembering after five years they say oh that was a lifetime and it's when he or she speaks that the Mind face shines with joy where do you get it that is the spiritual Joy that is the way of loving really we have got the real genuine love and joy for God and when you think of demanding worldly thing of the past which was happy which was peaceful and compared to today it is not it makes me depressed you have one time good money few Millions and that is lost and you come down to say several hundred thousands what will happen do you feel elated you feel depressed but if you have great joy in meditation or going to a silence or doing some Retreat or praying sudden something has happened you remember afterwards it puts you up I think these are the two ideas and how to create a depositive emotions are filled while worshiping in Maya no it is Maya in vedantic term it is Maya anything you see Duality that is Maya you are worshiping means you are you are there worshiper is there worshiping action is there and you are expecting Joy so this is Maya but there is there is drags us down to world and worldliness which takes us from worldliness to spirituality and divinity so these are both Maya but if you say Maya range of Maya is there lower level of manifestation Thomas expression raja's expression satirical expression so both are Maya but it is helpful Maya to practice worship Etc okay so thank you all so hope to see you again then what time at 7 30. guitar class cure so another question is there okay anyone from here any question yeah I have I'm Not Afraid yet I'm not afraid that what's going to happen to me who will take care of me feel secure you're gonna have nothing secured her that because that's a good idea you feel secured because security idea comes from internal conviction that somebody is taking care of me the internal conviction comes somebody means share God and security comes from man if anything happens my son will look after managing happens monetarily she will support me if anything happens that that but when you depend on God and you are convinced that some God is there to take care of me you don't care who will take care of your son is coming her husband is coming or a friend is coming or not coming I don't care I know only God Will Take Care so you become free then you become freedom of course I am yes so another question in the lives of the great bhaktas we see that even after reaching God they feel the need to practice bhakti and then is it safe to say that in the practice of bhakti they get more bliss than in even reaching God yes you know what happens in lives of great bhaktas we see that even after reaching God they feel the need to practice bhakti meaning what if you find test in God what will you do you will always try to engage yourself in that Bliss so that will be and you do every day what happens and look at our life every day you create a test for anything Third Day fourth day fifth day you don't want it but you're in a large you'll be there to have that taste so if you really practice spiritual discipline and prayer and you find little joy and you get inclination that joy and inclination will force you as a sanskras in a worldly sense in a spiritual life also same moreover what they will live with a bhakta taku ramakrishna after attaining that state of perfection and everything what he is doing oh because I have realized God it is like that I have got my PhD degree in chemistry or physics or something I don't talk about physics anymore no or I will find more interest in physics because I have generated my tendency and test for that thing so much I find Delight in it because I am penetrating into the depth of it finds by loving God finds tremendous peace and joy and that joy and peace takes them to Inner life more and more and more peace and more joy and more and as it goes on more and more and more then what happens that's created and as a result they will not find joy in any other thing but thinking of God we have seen meditators those who do good meditation Sami Vivekananda he left to himself will be only sitting for meditation but other things come and disturb suppose you will find that someday your mood is very good you are meditating and some work comes how do you feel again you have to get out of this and go to the work no that means that is a good moment in your life that you have a tendency at Comfort God and you find energy all all our Joys are dependent joys with food with objective senses but that is trifling though but still it has this attraction but when the joy goes due to their meditation or absorption in the Lord who is within that is a different thing there is a different thing that peace peace comes more and when you get a little taste of that piece you will be dragged into it and ramakrishna said in Magic Mountain a magnet Mountain the ship goes by it will be attracted to that and all the nuts and bolts and we loosened that means you cannot think I will do this that that freedom will go away so that we find in ramakrishna's light so it is safe to say in the practice of bhakti get more bliss because as they practice this they go to a state when the mind will be attracted to God and God and they don't like anything then as it happens no human love when he what you call the romantic love when they start with romantic love and you see someone wants to talk to them they feel irritated why are you coming over here now a phone call comes that becomes an irritation any person it is the experience worldly experience so if it happens with God also think that how intense will be that irritation they don't want ramakrishna said mother my ears are now getting burned by listening to the worldly talks please send someone to whom I can talk freely so that is the inner Arch will come that way okay [Music] peace peace peace we'll see you in 7 30.